Here’s The Only Sensible Thing You Can Do to “Stack The Odds” in Your Favour, and Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones During The Deadly Coronavirus Pandemic…

Important Information for Anyone Concerned About The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic…

Dear friend,

The COVID-19 Pandemic is here. And, unfortunately it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon…

With some experts saying Coronavirus could stick around for 2 years and infect up to 80% of the population…

Leaving hundreds of thousands dead.

Hopefully it won’t be that bad, yet whatever the case…

Daily life is massively disrupted right now…

People are anxious, worried and scared. Understandably so.

Panic is setting in.

Many Supermarket shelves are bare.

And yet, the way I see it… as a smart, sensible MAN, there are really only 3 things you can do right now – to PROTECT yourself and your loved ones:

Firstly, you can be even more hygienic than usual… washing your hands with soap and hot water frequently, and whenever you’ve been outside. You can also avoid touching your mouth, eyes or nose, until your hands are CLEAN.

Secondly, you can practice “Social Distancing”avoiding large gatherings of people, working from home if possible, and staying a few feet away from anyone you HAVE TO interact with.

I’m sure you’re doing both of these things already. So…

The Third thing you can, and really should, be doing right now, to “Stack The Odds” in your favour, against COVID-19, is to do all that you can to boost your Immune System (and lead-by-example and encourage your friends and loved ones to do the same)…

Because it’s your Immune System that helps your body fight off dangerous Bacteria and potentially deadly Viruses…

The Trouble is… Most People Have a Less Than Optimally Functioning Immune System – Leaving Them Susceptible to Catching Coronavirus…

Most people these days have a compromised Immune System.

The question is:

“How can you know if your Immune System could use a boost?”

Here are 3 things to consider:

  • Immune System Function DECLINES with age (explaining why OLDER people are more likely to get Coronavirus, and even more likely to DIE from it). So, if you’re 40 or older, your Immune System probably isn’t what it used to be. 50+ and it’s almost a certainty you aren’t as STRONG or IMMUNE to dis-ease as you were in your teens and 20’s
  • If you have any other health conditions – including High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Low Testosterone, ED, or even Prostate Issues – chances are your Immune System isn’t working at 100%


  • If you ever do any of the following, it’s almost certain your Immune System is compromised (because everything on the list below disrupts your Gut Health and WEAKENS your Microbiome… and your Immune System can only be 100% Healthy IF your Microbiome is too):


  • Do you ever drink tap water?
  • Do you ever eat processed, refined foods?
  • Do you ever eat refined sugar?
  • Have you taken Antibiotics within the last 2 years?
  • Do you eat factory farmed meats (not organic) and conventional dairy products (not raw)?
  • Do you eat non-organic fruit and veg?
  • Do you eat Genetically Modified Foods? (if it’s not Organic, the answer is likely: “YES”)
  • Do you take over-the-counter Pain-Killers or Heartburn Medications?
  • Do you use Recreational Drugs?
  • Do you live a stress-filled life with lots of responsibility?
  • Do you ever fail to get 8 hours uninterrupted sleep in the evenings?

If you answered “YES” to even ONE of those questions, your Microbiome will NOT be fully healthy, and your Immune System will not be “Firing On All Cylinders.”

If you’re also over 50 – with one or more existing health conditions – then your Immune System is probably nowhere near it’s true potential…

Leaving you more susceptible to dis-ease. Including the dreaded, and somewhat DEADLY, Coronavirus.

Now, keep reading…

Because you’re about to discover:

7 Little-Known, Yet Incredibly Powerful Ingredients that Can Quickly and Safely Support Your Immune System…

Helping You to Stay Fit and Well in These Most Uncertain and Dangerous of Times…

You’re about to discover 7 Herbs that support your Immune System – while also giving you a host of other very welcome health benefits. 

For the sake of your own health, and anyone else you care about, I advise you to turn off all distractions, and give the remainder of this article your full and undivided attention…


“The King of The Mushrooms”

Chaga Mushroom has been used for CENTURIES, in Siberia and other part of Asia – to support Immunity and Improve Overall Health (1)

Chaga is a type of fungus that grows mainly on the bark of birch trees, in cold climates, including: Northern Europe, Siberia, Russia, Korea, Northern Canada and Alaska.

Chaga looks like a woody growth, similar to a clump of burnt charcoal — roughly 10–15 inches (25–38 centimeters) in size. However, the inside reveals a soft core with an orange color.

Chaga supports your Immune System in 3 main ways:

  1. By reducing long-term Inflammation in your body, which if not reduced can lead to debilitating and even fatal diseases
  2. By fighting off harmful Bacteria
  3. By defending against harmful Viruses

The way Chaga Mushroom helps you “Win the War” against dangerous Bacteria and Viruses is by promoting the formation of beneficial Cytokines… 

These Cytokines are specialized Proteins that regulate the Immune System… stimulating White Blood Cells, which are essential for fighting off harmful Bacteria and Viruses (2, 3).

As a result, Chaga Mushroom can help your body to fight off infections — ranging from minor colds, to serious illnesses.

And, right now, with the Coronavirus Pandemic upon us – with no clear sign of when it’ll pass (and some experts fearing it could stick around for 2 years or more)  – it makes a lot of sense to take Chaga Mushroom.

Additional Benefits you can get from Chaga:

  • Lower Bad Cholesterol, improving Cardiovascular Health (11)
  • An increase in beneficial Antioxidants (11)
  • Lower Blood Pressure


“The Herb of Good Fortune”

Reishi Mushroom is one of the most powerful Super Herbs known to man – with a variety of Health benefits, including supporting your Immune System.

Reishi is also known as Ganoderma lucidum or Lingzhi, and is a fungus that grows in various hot and humid locations in Asia (4).

For centuries, this fungus has been a key ingredient in Eastern medicine (4, 5).

Within Reishi, there are 3 key molecules responsible for its wide range of Health benefits: Triterpenoids, Polysaccharides and Peptidoglycans (6).

Reishi supports your Immune System by positively affecting the genes in your White Blood Cells (a key part of your Immune System)…

In particular, Reishi helps improve the strength and function of a specific type of White Blood Cell called: Natural Killer Cells (7)

All of which explains why Reishi is so effective at killing off unwanted infections, bacteria and viruses.

And of course, this all explains why right now is a GREAT time to take Reishi – because of the ongoing Coronavirus situation.

Additional Benefits you can get from Reishi:

  • Fights Fatigue and Depression (8)
  • Improved Heart Health (9)
  • More Stable Blood Sugar Levels (10)


“The Caterpillar Mushroom” or “The Emperor’s Herb”

Cordyceps is one of the most popular Super Herbs from the East. 

For centuries, Cordyceps was more expensive than Gold, and the only people allowed to consume it were Emperors and Nobility (the Elites enjoyed the way Cordyceps made them Healthy, Strong and Virile – allowing them to satisfy vast harems of women, while also withstanding the stresses of running an Empire). 

Punishments for anyone other than the Emperors and Nobility caught using Cordyceps were SEVERE.

Cordyceps benefits the Immune System by being an Immunomodulator. This is a Scientific way of saying that Cordyceps makes your Immune System more ADAPTABLE – more able to keep you healthy no matter what Dis-eases, Bacteria or Viruses your body is trying to fight off.

This makes taking Cordyceps very worthwhile – especially given the current Coronavirus Outbreak.

However, Cordyceps isn’t just a Super Herb that supports the health of your Immune System… 

You see, taking Cordyceps can also give you the following benefits:

  • Increased Athletic/Exercise Performance (12)
  • Anti-Ageing Properties (including supporting Strength and Sex-Drive/Performance) (13)
  • Better Blood Sugar Control (14)
  • Improved Heart and Cardiovascular Health (15)
  • Reduced Long-Term Inflammation (16)


“The Dancing Mushroom”

Maitake is a powerful adaptogen. 

Adaptogens assist the body in fighting against any type of mental or physical difficulty. They work to regulate systems of the body that have become unbalanced or overwhelmed – including your Immune System.

Maitake grows wild, usually in Autumn, in parts of Japan, elsewhere in Asia, and in North America. It grows at the bottom of Oak, Elm, and Maple trees.

Although maitake mushroom has been used in Japan and the East for thousands of years, it has only gained popularity in the United States over the last twenty years. People love this mushroom because of the way it benefits your Health, Vitality and Longevity.

According to Healthline, Maitake can be useful in treating:

  • Cold and flu viruses
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Immune function (17)

Given these benefits, it’s easy to see why supplementing with Maitake, right now – because of how the rapidly evolving Coronavirus Situation is impacting your life and threatening your health, and the health of your loved ones.

Additional benefits you can get from taking Maitake:

  • Lower Bad Cholesterol (18)
  • Improved Blood Sugar Levels (19)

Interesting FACT: some experts say that taking Maitake with Vitamin C increases its benefits.

Turkey Tail:

This remarkable Mushroom supports your Immune System in 3 main ways.

Turkey Tail got its name because of its striking colors, and has been used around the world for centuries, to treat various conditions.

Easily the most impressive quality of Turkey Tail Mushroom is its ability to support the health and strength of your Immune System (20).

Here are the 3 main ways Turkey Tail can improve your Immune Function:

1. Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in your body. This can improve the function of your Immune System, and make you less likely to fall ill, or age prematurely.

2. Contains Immune-supporting Polysaccharopeptides

According to

Polysaccharopeptides are protein-bound polysaccharides (carbohydrates) that are found in, for example, turkey tail mushroom extract.

Krestin (PSK) and Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP) are two types of polysaccharopeptides found in turkey tails (21).

Both PSK and PSP possess powerful immune-supporting properties. They promote immune response by both activating and inhibiting specific types of immune cells and by suppressing inflammation.

For instance, test-tube studies have demonstrated that PSP increases monocytes, which are types of white blood cells that fight infection and boost immunity (22).

3. Improves Gut and Microbiome Health

Keeping a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut is critical for maintaining a strong immune system

Because your gut bacteria interact with immune cells and directly impact your immune response (23)

Turkey tail contains prebiotics, which help nourish these helpful bacteria.

An 8-week study in 24 healthy people found that consuming 3,600 mg of PSP extracted from turkey tail mushrooms per day led to beneficial changes in gut bacteria and suppressed the growth of the possibly problematic E. coli and Shigella bacteria (24).

Since most people these days have Digestive Problems (constipation, diarrhea, IBS, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Colitis, Ulcers, Heartburn, Acid Reflux and so on)…

plus compromised Gut Health…

and a weakened Microbiome (due to a variety of Lifestyle Factors, including consuming too much Refined Sugar, Trans Fats, Alcohol, Caffeine, and Drugs)…

…this may be the most important benefit of all that you can get from Turkey Tail… 

…and a key reason to take it right now, because Coronavirus appears to be spreading, fast (with reports suggesting up to 80% of the population could end up INFECTED, leaving hundreds of thousands DEAD).

Lion’s Mane:

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms contain bioactive substances that have beneficial effects on the body, especially the brain, heart, gut and immune system.

These Mushrooms got their name because they are large, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane as they grow.

Read carefully:

When your Immune System is strong and healthy it protects your body from bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing pathogens.

In contrast, when your Immune System is compromised it puts your body at a higher risk of developing infectious diseases.

Needless to say… 

NOW – with the threat of Coronavirus seemingly everywhere – is NOT the time to have a weakened Immune System.

Here’s the Good News:

Research shows that Lion’s Mane Mushroom can support your immunity by increasing the activity of the intestinal immune system, which protects the body from pathogens that enter the gut through the mouth or nose (25).

These positive effects are at least partly due to beneficial changes in gut bacteria that stimulate the immune system (26).

And that’s not all… 

You see, you stand to gain many other health benefits when you start taking Lion Mane. Some of these include:

  • A Healthier Brain (27)
  • Better Mood (28)
  • Reduced Inflammation (further benefiting your Immune System) (29)

Agaricus Blazei:

Used for many health benefits, including to treat infectious dis-eases, Agaricus Blazei contains compounds that can exert antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects, supporting your immune system.

This Mushroom is grown in Brazil, Japan and several other countries… and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries… to support general health, strength, wellness and vitality.

In addition to supporting your Immune System, you can also gain some or all of the following benefits when you take Agaricus Blazei:

  • A stronger Respiratory System
  • A healthier Cardiovascular System
  • Healthier Skin
  • Better Control of Blood Sugar Levels
  • Healthier Blood Pressure
  • Lower Bad Cholesterol

And more.

Now, here’s the really interesting thing…

I’ve just told you about 7 different Super Herbs that will all support your Immune System, and give you a myriad of additional health benefits.

Yet, the reality is…

Finding all 7 of these Super Herb Mushrooms (or even just one of them) in the QUALITY and POTENCY necessary to give you all the Immune System benefits you and your family want right now, is difficult to say the least…

Because most companies selling Herbs are selling stuff that’s cheap, mixed with toxic fillers, and simply isn’t potent enough to produce real results.

Here’s the Good News:

Our Formula called Longevity contains the exact 7 Immune supporting Superherbs you just read all about…

In the quality, quantities and potency necessary to give you the best results possible.

And, consuming Longevity is EASY. You can:

  • Make it the traditional way – as a tea (just add 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder to warm/hot water, add Raw Honey, Organic Maple Syrup or Stevia to sweeten if you desire, stir and enjoy


  • Take it how I take it… by adding 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder to a shake or smoothie (I usually throw it in my Post-Workout Shake)

Heck, you can even sprinkle it over your breakfast cereal. Or, stir it into soup.

And, you don’t have to take it the same way each day. All you need do is get 2 teaspoons in your system each day, in whatever way you like. 


Discount Only Available While Stocks Last…

Right now, with Coronavirus hanging over your every move, I could be jacking UP the price of Longevity and making a small fortune (a bit like some supermarkets are doing with the price of everyday necessities that people are practically fighting for).

However, I’m not interested in making a big profit on every sale of Longevity.

Instead, I want as many people to benefit from it as possible – and, at a time when money is tight for a lot of folks, and everything is so uncertain, I want to offer Longevity as affordably as I can (while still covering my costs and making a small profit… because I have a mortgage, bills to pay, kids to feed and so on, just like you probably do too).

So, here’s what I’ll do for you…

Usually Longevity costs $147 per packet.

Yet, right now, while stocks last, you can get it for the heavily discounted prices below (including my usual 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee).

And, I’ll even throw in a FREE Bonus Packet of High Quality Vitamin C (another thing that works really well to boost your Immune System… and another thing in hot demand and short supply right now).

The bad news?

At the time of writing, I only have 223 packets of Longevity in stock. And, that’s not nearly enough to satisfy the demand (because nearly 30,000 men read my email newsletters daily).

So, if you want the Immune supporting Effects of Longevity, for yourself and your family, I suggest you act now

…by taking advantage of the Special Offer Prices below – and the FREE Vitamin C I’m throwing in with your order (and FREE Worldwide Shipping) – before stock runs out…

Stay healthy, safe and strong…

And, I’ll talk to you soon…

Your friend,

Adam Armstrong

P.S. Of all the Super Herb Formulas Elwin and I can offer you – Longevity has the most benefits for your Immune System…

Because ALL 7 of the Mushroom Super Herbs in it greatly enhance the health and function of your Immune System.

This is important at the best of times. 

Yet, right now, with COVID-19 still a deadly threat – and a threat that doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon – I’d suggest you make supporting your Immune System one of your major priorities (along with regular hand washing, and appropriate Social Distancing).

The Good News is:

Right now you can get Longevity at some very Special Prices (see below), and your order is covered by my usual 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee, plus you’ll get a FREE Packet of High Quality Vitamin C with your order.

The only downside is that I don’t have nearly enough Longevity to meet DEMAND. As I type this I have only a little over 200 packets in stock – yet nearly 30,000 men read my daily Newsletter. So, I wish I could help EVERYONE… however, I’m just going to run this as a ‘first come first served’ thing.

So take action now if you want Longevity, FREE Vitamin C (first 100 customers only), and a stronger Immune System…

Scientific References:


Adam Armstrong

Adam Armstrong is often referred to as ‘The World’s Greatest Sex Coach’. His blog posts, email newsletters, books, audio courses and videos have positively influenced the sex-lives of MILLIONS of people. And his SuperHerb Blends - including Rock Hard Formula - have helped countless thousands of men to boost their Testosterone Levels and experience incredible Sexual Performance. If you want to revolutionize the quality of your sex-life, you’d be wise to start reading Adam’s stuff now!