A Productivity Secret that Can Easily Triple Your Productivity in The Next 30 Days

If You Constantly Feel Like ‘There’s Never Enough Hours In The Day’ – and You’d Like to Get More Done (with Less Effort), Read On Carefully…

By Adam Armstrong

Many men have this horrible feeling that ‘they’re not living up to their potential.’

I felt that way for years (in my early 20’s).

And, if I’m being totally honest – the thought sometimes still enters my head now (even though I’ve found my true Mission in life, and I’m living it every day).

Now, here’s the thing…

For many men, this feeling of ‘not living up to your potential’ – often seems to go hand-in-hand with feeling like:

There’s not enough hours in the day.

And so, a dis-empowering circle of events starts to take shape where:

  • You do what you think you HAVE TO do in order to live (including a job/career that you may not love)
  • You tell yourself that you would live up to your potential (and do what you actually WANTED to do with your life) – if only there were enough hours in the day!!!

What I’m going to do in this blog post is to show you one of my favorite Productivity Secrets.

If you Take Action, and apply it to your life – you can easily TRIPLE your productivity in the next 30 days.

And, ‘triple it’ is conservative.

I know some people who’ve implemented the technique I’m about to share with you – and they’ve 10X’ed their productivity in 30 days or less. And, completely transformed their lives within a year.


Read on carefully…

From ‘Victim Based Beliefs’ to Actual Reality!

“Thinking You Have To Do EVERYTHING is a Mistake!”

When I first started teaching men how to enjoy SUCCESS with women – I adopted a set of beliefs that were a bit ‘Victim Based.’

I was having to learn so many new things about how to work an ‘Online Business’ that I started to tell myself that:

  • I was the busiest guy in the World (which was, of course, BULLSHIT)
  • I had to do everything myself (which was, of course, BULLSHIT)

It’s that second point that’s of real interest.

Here’s why:

When I did everything myself in my business, I got to a certain level, and then I got stuck. Reason why I got stuck – why I couldn’t grow my business – was because I was doing everything myself!!!

Unless I stopped sleeping – there really weren’t any more hours I could put into my business (unless I completely ‘kissed goodbye’ to having any kind of life outside of work).

Now, when I started making Man Tea with Elwin, things changed.

We built a team.

We got people to do stuff in our business…

Effectively allowing us work LESS HOURS, yet get more done, earn more, and have A LOT more fun in the process!

And, I really don’t care whether or not you have a business, you can apply the same strategy to your life, regardless of how you earn a living!

Here’s how:

First, drop the mind-set that you have to do everything.

Second, be open to the idea that you can get other people to do stuff for you!

Simple so far, right?

Next, write a list of everything you do at HOME, in a week.

Write down everything. Leave nothing out.

Your list might include:

  • Loading the dishwasher
  • Washing the car
  • Gardening
  • Ironing
  • Paperwork/admin


It’s your list.

Write it down.


Well, now comes the MAGIC…

Ask yourself which of those jobs you HAVE TO do, and which you could get somebody else to do! And, at this point, do not worry about the MONEY.

I used to cook.

I used to do my washing and ironing.

I used to wash my car.

I used to mow the grass.

I used to do a million-and-one jobs around the house that I HATED, that I did just because ‘that’s what people do.

‘Fuck that!

PAY somebody else to do ‘em!

Now, you might tell me you don’t have the MONEY to pay someone else. To which I say:

“Imagine how many HOURS you’ll free up by NOT having to do all those boring, crappy jobs around the hours.”


“Imagine how much more money you could earn by spending some of those hours on something meaningful that earns you money.”

If you have even a sliver of entrepreneurial spirit within you – you’re likely seeing the potential here 🙂

I got rid of all that household crap first.

Just paid other people to do it.

Now I do the same, with Elwin, in our New Alpha business. We pay our staff to do the jobs we don’t want to do, or that we don’t need to do, or that we aren’t best suited to do!

Works the same in all successful businesses.

The only owners who still do EVERYTHING, are people running SMALL businesses.

If you wanna grow…

If you want to enjoy your life, and spend it doing almost entirely stuff you wanna do – as opposed to stuff you HAVE TO do…

You need to pay other people do do all the shit you’d rather not do.

And that, my friend, is a HUGE Productivity Secret that can easily – and I really do empathize the word ‘easily’ – triple your productivity in the next 30 days…

Let me know how it works for you.

And, leave your comments/questions below.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll talk to you soon…

Adam Armstrong

P.S. To learn more about how to massively improve your Productivity –

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Adam Armstrong

Adam Armstrong is often referred to as ‘The World’s Greatest Sex Coach’. His blog posts, email newsletters, books, audio courses and videos have positively influenced the sex-lives of MILLIONS of people. And his SuperHerb Blends - including Rock Hard Formula - have helped countless thousands of men to boost their Testosterone Levels and experience incredible Sexual Performance. If you want to revolutionize the quality of your sex-life, you’d be wise to start reading Adam’s stuff now!