The Myth of Multi-Tasking – and What to Do Instead (for Improved Productivity)

“Is Multi-Tasking Really The Best Strategy for High Productivity?”

Here’s Why Multi-Tasking Is a ‘Productivity Destroyer’ – Plus… a Better Approach to Getting Stuff Done (Quickly and With Minimal Stress and Anxiety)

By Elliot Newman

Many people think ‘Multi-Tasking’ is an efficient way to get tasks done, and be Productive. The same people also often seem to think that Multi-Tasking is a technique worthy of a Medal!

Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

You see, the reality is that Multi-Tasking doesn’t work. Sure, you can get things done if you Multi-Task – however, your Productivity will SUCK.

In other words…

If you STOP Multi-Tasking, you could get way more done.

Read on to find out how…

Question: Do You Know How Long It Takes To ‘Recover’ From a Distraction?

A while back, I read a Scientific Study, that PROVED that it takes the average person 20 minutes to ‘recover’ from a DISTRACTION.

Let’s say you were working on a task.

And, let’s say that task was writing a book.

Now, let’s imagine you were in ‘full flow’ – writing like a PRO – and it felt like NOTHING could stop you.

However, the phone then rings. And, that does stop you!

All of a sudden, you’re talking to someone, about nothing to do with your book. The conversation lasts 10 minutes. And, once it ends…

It’ll now take you 20 minutes to get back to the previous state you were in – which was ‘being in full flow’ successfully writing your book!

That’s typical for most people.

1 DISTRACTION takes 20 minutes to recover from.

I’m sure you’ll agree when I say: that’s A LOT of wasted time.

After all, if your phone had of been off, you’d have avoided the 10 minute conversation, and you’d have avoided the 20 minutes wasted time afterwards, just trying to get back into the Productive State you were in before the distraction.

Question is:

How Does This Relate To Multi-Tasking?

“Social Media Has Become a Huge Distraction, and ‘Productivity Killer’ for Many People!”

Well, it kinda shows why Multi-Tasking doesn’t work.

You see, if you constantly try and do 3, 4 or 5 tasks all at once – you are, in effect, constantly DISTRACTING yourself!

Here’s how it looks:

You’re writing your book, in full flow.

But, then you break off to answer a phone call.

Then you spend 20 minutes getting back in ‘full flow,’ to write some more book.

Then you break off again, to reply to some emails and check your Facebook account. Yet, because your mind is still in ‘Writing Book Mode’ – your replies to the emails aren’t as good as they could be…

And, once you’ve done the emails, you’ll now have to spend 20 minutes getting back to ‘book writing mode again.’

So, you do that.

Then you write a little more.

But then, instead of continuing writing – and getting it done – you break off to do another task.

And so the cycle continues.

See how that works?

While it’s true that, on average, women do Multi-Task better than men, Multi-Tasking is NOT an optimal Productivity Strategy for either sex.

And, I don’t know a single Financially Successful person who is a ‘Multi-Tasker.’ Yet, in contrast – I regularly hear people with no Financial Success whatsoever, BRAGGING about how good they are at Multi-Tasking.

It’s a Fool’s Paradise.

If you want to get more done – quickly and easily, with minimal stress – try THIS:

One-Task-At-a-Time – Prioritizing What’s Most Important First…

If you really want to be Productive – and you want your STRESS LEVELS to be ‘under control’ – the best way to improve your productivity is to do this:

  • In any given day, focus on ONE task at a time (so, no more Multi-Tasking). This will INSTANTLY improve your Productivity (and decrease your Stress, and Anxiety Levels)
  • Figure out what’s most important, and do that task FIRST in the day (that way, even if the rest of your day goes to shit – which happens to us all at times – you’ll have still have had a productive, at least semi-successful day!)

And, if you want to take things to an even higher level:

  • Do the most important, most mentally taxing tasks FIRST in your working week. And, save the easier stuff for later in the week

For me, that usually means I do the bulk of my business strategizing, and writing, early in the week (because it’s the most mentally taxing thing I do. It requires the most ‘Mental Juice,’ Concentration and Focus).

And, later in the week – particularly on a Friday – I do easier stuff that doesn’t require intense mental focus. This is usually stuff like answering emails, opening the post, paying staff etc

See how that works?

If you want to be Highly Productive, and get more done, with minimal Stress and Anxiety…

Accept that Multi-Tasking as a ‘Superior Productivity Method’ is a Myth.

Then, commit to doing one-task-at-a-time.

Do what’s most important first in the day.

And, if you like…

Structure your week so the most important, most difficult and challenging tasks get done first. Allowing you to end the week with simpler, less mentally challenging tasks… kinda like ‘coasting into the weekend.’

Hope this helps!

Oh, and be sure to grab a copy of The Real Productivity Blueprint too!

And, if you have comments/questions, leave ‘em below…

Talk to you soon…

Your friend,

Elliot Newman

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