3 Ways to Increase Your Bench Press


“How Much Do Ya Bench” is The Most Popular Question at The Gym… Use The 3 Strategies in This Blog Post to Be Able to Give a More Impressive Answer to that Question!

By Adam Armstrong

No fancy introductions needed here. Let’s just dive straight into the good stuff – 3 PROVEN strategies that’ll help you blow up your Bench Press and lift a lot more weight

1. Dial In Your Technique

Technique is KING when it comes to lifting both more weight, and reducing injury risk.

Most people have TERRIBLE form on the Bench Press. Here’s how to tidy yours up:

  • Lay down on the Bench, and grip the bar with your pinky finger on the power ring and squeeze hard
  • Set your feet wide, and force your knees out
  • Tense your gluts hard
  • Retract your shoulders back and down. This creates a ‘big chest’
  • Do NOT arch at the lower back (unless you want PAIN in this area)
  • Pause for a second when the bar touches your chest


  • Take a deep breath into your belly and hold it
  • Unrack the bar by dragging it out of the stands with your lats
  • Once the bar is over your nipple line, you are ready to begin the rep…
  • Take in a little more air
  • Lower the bar down to your nipple line, squeezing your gluts and grip the entire time


  • Squeeze your gluts and grip even harder to launch the bar back to the start position
  • Drive your feet into the floor and keep pushing your knees out at the same time
  • Once you lockout your arms, you have complete 1 rep
  • You may now release some air (while staying tight), take in a little more air, and begin rep 2

2. Train Optimally


I remember once talking to a guy at the gym and asking him what he as training that day.

On Monday he said: “Bench Press”

On Tuesday he said: “Bench Press”

On Wednesday he said: “Bench Press”

On Thursday he said: Well, I think you get the idea…

And, on Friday, I said: “Moron”

Look. I get it. The guy wanted a bigger bench. But, training the Bench heavy, every day, is going to give most people sore shoulders and torn pecs.

Not what you want.

So, train optimally.

For most guys, Benching twice a week would be good. Sessions spaced out by a minimum of 72 hours. Mon-Thurs, or Tues-Fri, or Wed-Sat and so on.

Another mistake many guys make it trying to ‘Max Out’ every time they Bench. That’s another example of NOT training OPTIMALLY. Because, Science has proven that after 3 weeks of training over 90% of your 1 rep max, on a given exercise, you will start to go backwards.
A good way to train your Bench would be to do 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps twice a week. You cannot really go wrong with that set/rep scheme, and you can make strength gains on that type of program for quite some time, before you need something more advanced.

3. Find Structural Balance in Your Physique

Your body will only allow so much structural imbalance before it ‘puts the brakes on’ and stops you making gains.

If you want a big bench, training your lower body can help! Seriously, blow up your squats and everything seems to benefit.

However, it’s not really the LOWER body I’m going to focus on here. It’s the upper.

You see, if you want a big Bench Press, you HAVE TO train the BACK of your Torso, not just the front. I know, I know… most ‘gym rats’ just train their chest, biceps and front delts, because that’s all they can see in the mirror.
But, did you know that a big Bench Press requires seriously strong Triceps, and a strong Back too?

So, if you want to blow your Bench up, be sure to include things like:

  • Dips (if your shoulders can handle them), Close Grip Bench Presses, Close Grip Incline Bench Presses, Close Grip Press Ups, DB Pressing, Extensions and Pushdowns for your Triceps


  • Many variations of Pull Ups, Chins and Rows, for your Back. Also, try dragging a Sled backwards, with straight arms, and packed shoulders, holding onto straps attached to the Sled (this really makes your back STRONG)


Getting a big Bench isn’t about trying to beat your 1 Rep Max EVERY time you set foot in the gym.

It’s about the things I mentioned in this article:

  • Dialling in your Bench Press Technique
  • Training optimally
  • Building up muscle groups that support your Bench Press (like your Triceps and Back)

Put these 3 strategies into place, and let me know how many pounds you put on your Bench Press. The Plan works, all you gotta do, is do it!

Elliot Newman

Elliot Newman is an Entrepreneur, and is extremely passionate about Health, Strength, Fitness and helping people to live Happy, Successful Lives. Under the pen name ‘Adam Armstrong’ he’s helped revolutionize the sex-lives of millions of people. As a former Powerlifter, and highly sought after Ghost Writer and Copywriter, he’s written best-selling books in the Fitness Niche - collaborating with some of the industries most famous names, including Dragon Door, Pavel Tsatsouline and Muscle and Fitness. When he’s not working, you can usually find Elliot hanging out with his kids, sharpening his golf game, or indulging in another of his favorite passions: driving sports cars on great roads.